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Setting up taxes in SAGE
Tax Monitoring System requires the tax codes and rates to be setup according to the specifications provided by your tax authority.

Use the below as an example on how to setup different tax codes in SAGE. Your tax authority rates may be different.

Name Abbr Tax Label Rate/Amount Setup in SAGE - Tax Group
Value Added Tax VAT A  9.00%  
Value Added Tax ExportVAT-EXPORT   B  0.00%  
Value Added Tax ExcludedVAT-EXCL  C  0.00% 
Service Turnover Tax STT  E  6.00%  
Environment Climate Adaption Levy ECAL  F  10.00%  
Plastic Bag Levy PBL  P  0.20 FJD  Direct tax is not supported in SAGE.
Non-Tax N-Tax  N  0.00  

Combined Taxes:

  1. Value Added Tax
  2. Service Turnover Tax
  3. Environment Climate Adaption levy
 VAT + STT + ECAL  AEF  25.00%